Wednesday 2 March 2011

Reading - Williams

The key points that I have found in the readings are:

“Williams (2009) outlines the ‘three general categories inthe definition of culture’ (32). First, there is ‘the “ideal” , in which culture is a state or process of human perfection.”
“Second, there is the ‘documentary’ record: the surviving texts and practices of aculture.”
“Third, ‘there is the “social” definition of culture, in which culture is a description of aparticular way of life’ (ibid.).” (Page 60,61) [1]

“Taken together, the three points embodied in the ‘social’ definition of culture – cultureas a particular way of life, culture as expression of a particular way of life, and culturalanalysis as a method of reconstituting a particular way of life – establish both the gen-eral perspective and the basic procedures of culturalism.”(Page 60) [1]

 “Williams insists on culture as a definition of the ‘lived experience’ of ‘ordinary’ men and women, made in their daily interaction with the texts and practicesof everyday life, that he finally breaks decisively with Leavisism.” (Page 63) [1]

I totally agree with the idea of Williams as he notes that it is very difficult for anyone to read every single piece of literature and he gives the example of 1950s literature. He states that because of this reason it’s impossible to have an entirely accurate account of a culture. This is the reason that we are studying culture to be aware of the fact that culture in its real sence has very deep meanings and also plays important role in our lives.

John Storey. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture An Introduction. Available:

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