Wednesday 23 February 2011

Cultural Diary Task (Week 1) Media Text Belonging to‘My culture’

Creative Review magazine is a media text that I feel belongs specifically to my culture. It is a monthly magazine targeted on the commercial arts and design scene. It was launched in 1980 and is published by Centaur Media.  In general it focuses content on media originating in United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States, showcasing some of the best contemporary advertising, design, illustration, new media, photography, and typography.

I am much inspired by the creative designs of the designer like David Carson, Neville Brody and Jonathan Barnbrook. Infect when I met Jonathan Barnbrook during my HND course I realized that there are a lot of things around us that we can use them as a teacher for us. I am inspired by their creativity, unique style and most of all to do new experiments bravely.

I am extremely involved in studying the art of typography, photography, graphics and illustration and I learned much. I also designed and participated in the design exhibition in London last year.
The website:

As a web and new media student I belive that our field is mush more about creativity. Now a days all the tecknical tutorials for our field are available online and there are aslo many examples of creative work but what is epected from us is to be creative in our work.
Creative review for me as a good media text that talks about the creative culture in the field of Graphic desiging.

Creative Review is not limitted to graphic design but aslo include advertising, digital media, illustration, photography and all other fields of visual communication that are in worldwide.
I personally observe that culture always changes as it needs to adopt new changes that are accouring in the world. We are aslo a part of culture and I belive that its better to be creative in terms of changing the culture instead of copying someone else culture and name it our own culture.

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