Wednesday 23 February 2011

F.R Leavis, 1933- Mass Civilisation and Minority Culture

The author F.R Leavis tries to judges what makes culture and how it has changed. The key points that I have found in the readings are:
“It is a commonplace today that culture is at a crisis it is a commonplace more widely accepted then understood: at any rate, realisation of what the crisis portends does not seem to be common.”

“The machine, in the first place has brought about change in habit and the circumstances of life at a rate for which we have no parallel.”

“The automobile (to take one instance) has in a few years, radically affected religion, broken up the family, and revolutionized social custom. Change has been so catastrophic that the generations find it hard to adjust themselves to each other, and parents are helpless to deal with their children.”

“In America change has been more rapid and its effects have been intensified by the fusion of peoples.”

“When we consider, for instance, the processes of mass production and standardisation in the from represented by the Press, it becomes obviously of sinister significance that they should be accompanied by a process of leveling-down.”

“The prospects of culture are very dark. There is the lees room for hope in that a standardised civilisation is rapidly enveloping the whole world.”

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