Wednesday 23 March 2011

Reading response - Stuart Hall: Notes on Deconstructing “The Popular”

In this reading the writer Suart Hall express his personal view that he feels difficulty in explaining the terms ‘popular’ as well as ‘culture’ and he explains that by combining the two terms together he difficulties can be appealing unspeakable.

The key points of the readings are:
“Transformations are at the heart of the study of popular culture.”
“Transformation is the key to the long and protracted process of the ‘moralisation’ of the laboring classes, and the ‘demoralisation’ of the poor, and the‘re-education’ of the people. “
The selected period by Suart Hall is 1880s-1920s because he believes that its is one of real test cases for the revived interest in popular culture.
I have looked online to find some articles for the better understanding of the reading and I have found an article in this link:

The key points that I have found important related to the readings are:
Hall has argued that there is no fixed content to the category 'the people,' that popular culture is the site where 'the people' are constituted, and that popular culture is thereby a site of struggle.”
Suart Hall explained three definitions for the term popular culture. His third divination is that popular culture is about the survival of cultural traditions. The other definitions which include mass consumption and the explanation that popular culture is everything can be related to the third definition

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