Wednesday 23 March 2011

Reading response - Stuart Hall: Notes on Deconstructing “The Popular”

In this reading the writer Suart Hall express his personal view that he feels difficulty in explaining the terms ‘popular’ as well as ‘culture’ and he explains that by combining the two terms together he difficulties can be appealing unspeakable.

The key points of the readings are:
“Transformations are at the heart of the study of popular culture.”
“Transformation is the key to the long and protracted process of the ‘moralisation’ of the laboring classes, and the ‘demoralisation’ of the poor, and the‘re-education’ of the people. “
The selected period by Suart Hall is 1880s-1920s because he believes that its is one of real test cases for the revived interest in popular culture.
I have looked online to find some articles for the better understanding of the reading and I have found an article in this link:

The key points that I have found important related to the readings are:
Hall has argued that there is no fixed content to the category 'the people,' that popular culture is the site where 'the people' are constituted, and that popular culture is thereby a site of struggle.”
Suart Hall explained three definitions for the term popular culture. His third divination is that popular culture is about the survival of cultural traditions. The other definitions which include mass consumption and the explanation that popular culture is everything can be related to the third definition

Week 5's Reading. The Mistakes of the past?Visual narratives of urban decline and regeneration. David Parker and Paul Long.

The reading explains the transformation process around Birmingham and also explaining that greatest rebuilding and development programme are playing important role in these process which existing among the towns and cities of Europe.

Visions of the city
This part of the reading explains that visual material like plans, models, newspaper commentary, paintings, photographs, websites are playing important role in showing visions of Birmingham.
The changing city skyline is also explained in the reading and its says that photographers and visual artists plays important role in this matters.
The Key points that I have found under this heading are:
“Successive generations of urban imaginary find architectural realization in cityscapes.”

The image of the city
The key point under this section is the definition of urban imaginary by Edward Soja:
“‘our mental orcognitive mappings of urban reality and the interpretative grids throughwhich we think about, experience, evaluate and decide to act in the places, spaces and communities in which we live’”
Another key point is that:
“The built form of a city is one tangible expression of the social imaginary”

Images of Birmingham
The Key points that I have found under this heading are:

“Birmingham offers a rich example of how the narrative of Britain’s post-war decline was powerfully expressed through visual imagery.”
This part of the reading gives example of the four main landmarks as a result of which Birmingham built an environment of post-war developments. These landmarks are Bull Ring Shopping Center, The Rotunda, the Post Office Tower and the Central Library.

Utopian visions of Birmingham
The Key points of the readings are:
“The early plans for what became post-war Birmingham the sense of hope and ambition is tangible.”
 “There is a confidence in the capacity of organized interventions to reshape space and secure a better future.”

‘The mistakes of the past’
The Key points that I have found under this heading are:
“Birmingham, as the nation’s motor city, became renowned for pushing its pedestrians into underpasses.”
“The design of the city centre reflected organizational rather than human priorities.”
Youthful nostalgia?
“At a crucial moment in Birmingham’s history their work speaks to the ambivalence felt by many local residents as the place they once knew becomes unrecognizable.”

The new image of the city?
The Key points that I have found under this heading is:
“The more strident the dominant narrative of regeneration becomes, the more devalued are the
necessary narratives of negotiation adopted by local residents without the
resources to aspire to the new urban imaginary’s scale of ambition.”
This part of the reading focusing on explaining the modern development of the city and how Birmingham's  regeneration changed as a result of that developments.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Cultural Diary Task (Week 4) Why Does Popular Culture Matter?

The best definition that I have found for the popular culture is that:
“the types of entertainment that most people in a society enjoy, for example films, television programmes, and popular music”
Reference link

Looking on above definition we can say that all the practices of a particular culture for the beneficial and enjoyment purposes are parts of popular culture.

The advance technology development is due to the result of popular culture. There are many examples from TV to film, from film to video game and mobile phone specially iphone etc.
Technology plays one of the most important roles in our popular culture and the most important examples are the one that deal with computers.

And a lot of remediation’s in the field of advance technologies are the result of popular culture as well.
The technology that I want to discuss here is the Video game culture which can be the remediation to film culture. Most of the popular games are now the result of films. Film itself is one aspect of popular culture and we can also say the characters that are in the games are also part of the popular culture.

Due to the outstanding improvement in computers and video games businesses, popular culture becomes more dependent to these advance technologies. Computer and video games played a significance role upon popular culture and they have important impacts in television, popular music, and films.

The example that I have found is the video on youtube which shows how Matrix game relates to the Matrix film. Games can play the role of immediacy where the audience will become the character of the story and feel themselves in a second life. As I used the word second life so there will be important to give example of second life website which is making business due to its effect on popular culture.

Monday 14 March 2011

Cultural Diary Task (Week 3) Frankfurt School

The News channels are the example of what the Frankfurt School discusses when they talk about cultures all being the same. As I started to look for the examples of media text that are with the same aim and same look, I have found the examples of the News Channels that are around us now a days.

I am just trying what similarities I have understood between the News Channels.
What I have noticed some international and local news channels are targeting their audiences with a similar approach of showing “Breaking News” heading almost all times on their main heading of the news with a big size of fonts and eye catching colors. 

Some of the news channels really have the “Breaking News” but some are just showing the old news and the one that are not of much importance as a “Breaking News”. As they are in a race and because of the competitions they believe that the audience wants to see “Breaking News”.

International channels like BBC have a good reputation because of its original and real “Breaking News” but most of local news channels around the world are using the strategy of having “Breaking News” to win the audience attentions.

Cultural Diary Task (Week 2) ‘Sweetness and Light’

According to Matthew Arnold "Sweetness and Light" is the oout come of good culture and almost every culture struggles for it. According to him "Sweetness and Light" is one of the most importanct aspect of for human perfection.

I have selected Discovery Channel as a media text that offers us ‘sweetness and light’, because of its outstadning effort of providing the best documentary programming focused primarily on popular science, technology, and history.
According to Matthew Arnold "Sweetness and Light" is the perfect mixture of beauty and intelligence.
Discovery Channel is a media text that talks about intelligence and try to show all sceintific facts that are the result of the beautiful tecknologies that are around us.
As I have serached for some positve approch of the channel I have found this statement that
“More recently, Discovery Channel supported an expedition to collect data from the Indian Ocean seafloor to create models that can better predict tsunamis.”
Reference link:

The news services of Discovery Channel in its website “” is aslo very effective which shows more sceintific aspects of the news around the globe.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Reading - Williams

The key points that I have found in the readings are:

“Williams (2009) outlines the ‘three general categories inthe definition of culture’ (32). First, there is ‘the “ideal” , in which culture is a state or process of human perfection.”
“Second, there is the ‘documentary’ record: the surviving texts and practices of aculture.”
“Third, ‘there is the “social” definition of culture, in which culture is a description of aparticular way of life’ (ibid.).” (Page 60,61) [1]

“Taken together, the three points embodied in the ‘social’ definition of culture – cultureas a particular way of life, culture as expression of a particular way of life, and culturalanalysis as a method of reconstituting a particular way of life – establish both the gen-eral perspective and the basic procedures of culturalism.”(Page 60) [1]

 “Williams insists on culture as a definition of the ‘lived experience’ of ‘ordinary’ men and women, made in their daily interaction with the texts and practicesof everyday life, that he finally breaks decisively with Leavisism.” (Page 63) [1]

I totally agree with the idea of Williams as he notes that it is very difficult for anyone to read every single piece of literature and he gives the example of 1950s literature. He states that because of this reason it’s impossible to have an entirely accurate account of a culture. This is the reason that we are studying culture to be aware of the fact that culture in its real sence has very deep meanings and also plays important role in our lives.

John Storey. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture An Introduction. Available: