Sunday 24 April 2011

Reading Response to "Postmodernism and 'The Other Side' " by Dick Hebdige

This reading looks at Potsmodernism and Hebdige talks about the word Postmodernism and what it’s supposed to refer to for example he notes that postmodernism can be referred to as the 'buzzword', because it has so many distinctions and at some points Hebdige refers to Jean-François lyotard tendencies.
“Jean-François lyotard (1986a) has recently used the the postmodernism to refer to 3 separate tendencies: (i) a trend within architecture away from the modern movement’s project ‘of a last rebuilding of the whole space occupied by humanity’, (ii) a decay in confidence in the idea of progress and modernization (‘there is a sort of sorrow in the zeitgeist’) and (iii) a recognition that it is no longer appropriate to employ the metaphor of the ‘avant-grade’.

The other key points that I have found in the readings are:

“The degree of semantic complexity and overload surrounding the term ‘postmodernism’ at the moment signals that a significant number of people with conflicting interests and opinions feel that there is something sufficiently important at stake here to be worth struggling and arguing over.”

“If the unity, the boundaries and the timing of modernism itself remains a contentious issue,, then postmodernism seems to defy any kind of critical consensus.”

 “ ‘Critical’ alternative (the one favoured by foster) postmodernism is defined as a positive critical advance which fractures through negation (i) the petrified hegemony of an earlier corpus of ‘radical aesthetic’ strategies and proscriptions, and/ or (ii) the pre-Freudian unitary subject which formed the hub of the ‘progressive’ wheel of modernization.”

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