Sunday 24 April 2011

My Cultural Diary - Week 7

I have chosen to look at Liverpool to see how the city is represented.
I have chosen to look at website and how Liverpool is represented in timely research undertaken by The University of Liverpool.  Reference Link 

The University of Liverpool discovered the fact about its home city through an original study. Through their research they argue that Liverpool “a century ago Liverpool was regarded as the ‘second city’ of the British empire’ – though subsequently it gained a reputation for militant politics in the face of economic adversity.” They also state that “Liverpool is proud to be European Capital of Culture 2008.” Reference Link 

 The city’s changing fortunes and multi-faceted identity make it an interesting case study – as does the fact that it was first captured on film in 1897 – just two years after ‘moving pictures’ were first shown in public. Since the footage was shot for the pioneering Lumière Brothers, it was faithfully preserved – offering the potential to investigate how Liverpool’s form and identity have been portrayed in moving images over the course of a century.

The research also states that Liverpool was first captured on film in 1897. The research further notes that “The footage was shot for the pioneering Lumière Brothers, it was faithfully preserved – offering the potential to investigate how Liverpool’s form and identity have been portrayed in moving images over the course of a century.” Reference Link 

Some more facts that are described in the research about Liverpool states that “Liverpool had achieved the world’s first fully enclosed wet dock system, creating 140 acres of docks and 10 miles of quay space – and the world’s first elevated electric railway, a mass transit system which ran all along the waterfront.” Reference Link 

I think that this representation of Liverpool is very original. Almost all cities in the UK are of high importance because of their history but the fact the each city has got its own reputation increases its importance to study each city in the UK in details. I love Football and the Football clubs in the UK are my favorites. Liverpool Football Club is most winning club of the 20th century and one of the most successful clubs in the history of English football. This fact made me to think to select Liverpool as a research that how media texts represent the cities.

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