Monday 23 May 2011

Cultural Diary - Week 11

I have chosen to look at Adidas which is one of the top famous shoe, clothing and Apparel Company. Adidas also is the second largest budget for sponsorships among sports gear companies and therefore to study the strategy of Adidas can help to understand how they affect the consumer culture.

By tying its products to successful Adidas uses celebrities in it adverts to create an image and impression that the shoes or the clothes play a role in the success of the sportsperson. Thus they are creating a way of connection between the consumer and the celebrity which is sometime very risky for the reputation of the company because if the sportsperson or celebrity makes a mistake in any field, it directly harms the reputation of company as well.

The good reputation of Adidas and other famous sports companies among consumers can also pass a positive message to consumers which can help to refine their culture.
For example:
“Nike aims to change the negative perception of hoodies, which it admits are identified with criminal behaviour and young louts.”
“England soccer star Rio Ferdinand has been enlisted by Nike in an advertising campaign aimed at changing the negative image of hoodies.”

Olympic Games is an event which has an strong impact on many culture and Adidas and other sport companies play important roles to sponsor these events and also to show themselves as part of consumer culture.
Famous celebrities plays important role to promote these companies for example David Beckham. 

In the link below David Beckham shows off his new Adidas shoes at a store in Milan which whose that fandom is also paying important role to expand consumer culture.

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